Byron's Gasser Madness!
In 2004 I wrote a series of short articles for Gasser Wars Magazine offering a retrospective of the rules governing Gasser class cars over the years. What follows is a slightly updated version of those articles...still missing the last chapter which I suppose I'll get around to writing one of these days. (Click on the thumbnails for larger photos.) Note: Feb 2010; John Shelton of American Gasser has created a nice summary chart of the year-by-year changes. You can click HERE to see it. |
It’s a matter of class! By Byron Stack © 2004, 2005, 2010 One of the most commonly asked questions emailed to my website is something regarding the gasser classes. It seems that many of the younger fans just don’t understand the classifications…and a lot of us older ones have forgotten a lot. The letters I have trouble answering are those where the writer clearly doesn’t understand the concept of weight vs. engine size as the determining factor. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame them, it’s just that they’ve never seen anything but indexed or unlimited classes. The concept of classifying a car without some sort of performance factor is completely alien to them. Of course that’s about how I felt when attending a dragrace for the first time in 1997 after a 25-year absence…”What’s an index?” When I decided to write this article, I wasn’t really sure how to go about it. First of all, I needed real facts. Heck, I didn’t remember what the class breaks were in 1965. I didn’t remember which years the classifications changed from A/G to A/GS to AA/G to AA/GS. Therefore I want to start by thanking Steve Gibbs at the NHRA Motorsports Museum for supplying me with Xeroxed copies of NHRA rule books from 1958 through 1972…although there were a couple of years missing, they gave me the kind of information I needed. The second problem was just how to organize the information. I didn’t want to just publish a table with all the numbers on it, I wanted to be able to relate it to something tangible and to provide some sort of continuity. When Phil Morris suggested that I break the article into sections for publication over a few issues, I had what I needed. I finally had the barest clue about how to write this thing. Just a clue, mind you, but a clue, nonetheless. Keep in mind that all the information here is based on NHRA rules. While AHRA rules were similar, there were some differences (different weight breaks, etc). Additionally, many tracks used their own sets of rules based on what was available to race in the local area. The Fifties First, let’s talk about gassers in the fifties. Now, to be honest, these cars were a bit before my time. I was around throughout the fifties, but didn’t “discover” dragracing until the early sixties, so what I do know about fifties gassers is pretty much culled from a 1958 NHRA rulebook (courtesy of Steve Gibbs), a conversation or two with Don Montgomery (author of “Supercharged Gas Coupes & Sedans”), conversations with other racers of the era, and photos and articles of the time. Having said that, let’s see what we can uncover about the early gassers. In what is generally accepted as the first legal drag race ever, in 1949 at Goleta, CA, Tom Cobb’s blown flathead Model A roadster lost to Fran Hernandez’ nitro-burning flathead, fenderless 32 coupe. Well, no gassers there…but at least the coupe won! About a year later, on Sunday June 19, 1950, C.J. “Pappy” Hart opened the first legal dragstrip in the nation on an unused runway at Santa Ana, CA.
To be truthful, I don’t really have any information about class structures until 1958, so I’m going to have to start there with any kind of specifics.
What all this provided for was a
class for guys to run a “hopped-up” street machine. The cars were
required to have full “factory-type” upholstery although two buckets
could replace the standard bench seat as long as both were fully
upholstered. Customs were allowed as long as the car wasn’t chopped,
channeled or sectioned a total of more than four inches. “Four stock
fenders” and a rear bumper were also required.
Full transmissions were required, as were “Quick-change rear-ends, locked differentials or ratchet-type rear-ends (high torque) are permissible with safety hubs.” Four-wheel brakes were required as well.
As you can see, this class was
designed for what was basically a modified stocker…much like the later
Modified Production classes. By 1960, the rules had changed significantly. By then, engine setback of up to 10% was permitted although most of the street equipment rules were still in force. Since I don’t have access to a 1959 rulebook, I can only surmise that the setback rule took effect first in either 1959 or 1960. Just by way of providing
information for those who aren’t quite sure what “engine setback”
means, a 10% setback would allow the engine to be moved back enough so
that the forward most sparkplug in the engine could be no further than
10% of the wheelbase behind the front axle centerline. In other
words, if the car had a 100" wheelbase, the front sparkplug must be
within 10" of the front The reason that the setback rule was introduced is reasonably simple. There was nothing in the rules that required the original engine in the car to be used. When someone performed an engine swap in a Model A, for instance, chances were that they would have to cut the firewall anyway. The question then becomes “what is the “stock location” for a flathead V-8 in a Model A?”. Introducing an engine setback limitation merely provided a level playing field for all competitors. Next we’ll talk about the “Golden Age” of the gassers, the 1960’s. The Sixties The sixties was a weird decade. Books ranged from “To Kill A Mockingbird” in 1960 through “Unsafe At Any Speed” in 1965 to “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test” in 1967. Movies were equally eclectic, from “The Sound of Music” and “My Fair Lady”, to “Dr. Strangelove or how I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb”, “The Graduate”, and “Midnight Cowboy”. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, TX. We became mired in Vietnam. The artificial heart was invented. We put a man on the moon. We started off the decade listening to Neil Sedaka, Bobby Darin and Paul Anka on our AM radios and as the decade progressed, we were listening to the Beatles and the Rolling Stones who were eventually joined by Hendrix, Janis, The Grateful Dead and the Jefferson Airplane on FM. And then there were Woodstock and Altamont, both in 1969. As I said before, the sixties was a weird decade. 1960-1963
1964 was the start of the “Gasser Wars”. It was also the first year I ever attended a drag race…and it’s where we’ll start the next installment. 1964-1967
in 62 and 63, the Anglia was restricted to small-block, unblown
engines only.
The class breakdowns were according to the following tables. Supercharged classes:
Unsupercharged classes:
For 1965, about the only noticeable change in the rules was the addition of a “Batteries” section which required all wet-cell batteries to be located outside the passenger and driver compartment. The rules also specified that a maximum of 2 passenger car batteries may be used and they couldn’t weigh more than 150 pounds combined. No more of those 400 pound truck batteries!
1966 saw a redistribution of the unblown classes as shown in the following table:
The other change for 1966 was some slight changes in the weight breaks for the supercharged cars, and a redefinition of the classes. Instead of being known as “A/Gas Supercharged”, for instance, it would now be known as “AA/Gas”. NHRA’s stated reason was to bring the class designations more in line with the rest of the classes where the double letter (AA, BB, CC) itself designated the class as a supercharged class. Though I suppose it seems silly in retrospect, I do recall that this change was NOT popular among the racers of these cars.
H/Gas, 11.00 or more lbs. per cubic inch, was for the same engines but with stock production-type heads. Noticeably absent from the “Wheelbase” section of the rules in 1967 was the passage specifying “small-block” only power for the Anglia. The supercharger was still forbidden, however. The blown gas classes were realigned somewhat as shown below.
Next time, we’ll tackle 1968 (and the return of the “S” to the supercharged class designations) and subsequent years. 1968-1969 These were a couple of tumultuous years in the world. In January of 1968 the USS Pueblo was captured by the North Koreans, and the Tet Offensive started in Vietnam. By the end of December, Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were dead, the Paris Peace Talks had begun, the Democratic Convention in Chicago had seen incredible violence, Arlo Guthrie performed his 20 minute ballad "Alice's Restaurant", Jacqueline Kennedy married Aristotle Onassis, and Richard Nixon was elected President. 1969 saw man land on the moon, the Woodstock Festival, the first Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Senator Edward Kennedy at Chappaquiddick, MA, the Rolling Stones concert at Altamont (widely heralded as the end of the “Flower Power” days), the first in vitro fertilization of a human egg, DARPANET (the original foundation upon which the Internet would eventually be based) went online to connect 4 major universities, and the use of DDT was banned in residential areas.
The weight breaks for the blown cars were unchanged from the prior year, but a little bit of “Tightening up” took place in the upper ranks of the unblown classes and the major shakeup was in the G/Gas and lower classes. The class designations were as follows:
A bit of explanation is probably in order regarding the H/Gas through K/Gas classes. The H, I, and J classes were for “Non-supercharged flathead V-8s, in-line and opposed six-cylinder, straight-eights, and in-line and opposed four-cylinder engines with any type heads.” K/Gas was for “Non-supercharged flathead V-8s, in-line fours or sixes and straight-eight engines of American manufacture with stock production type heads installed in American production bodies.” Basically what was happening was that NHRA was making a place for the VWs and Fiats that were starting to appear in great numbers in the lower gas classes.
A/Gas through E/Gas were also unchanged, but F/Gas was now 12.50 or more lbs./cu. in. Another reshuffling took place below that, as G/Gas was back to a flathead class and K/Gas was dropped. The breakdown is as follows:
Next up…the end of the gassers…and this series of articles. |